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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Who is Jom Chung, the Bitcoin Prodigy?


Jom Chung has not followed the traditional path of school-bound students growing up in Panama. In 2015, at the age of 11, Jom struck a deal with his parents to be able to skip school in pursuit of an unorthodox education, provided he could invest successfully. The deal? He had to turn $2,000 in cash that his friend’s dad gave him into an impressive $10,000. Jom pursued his goal relentlessly and managed to succeed, purchasing about $2,000 worth of cryptocurrencies and stocks when the fledgling currency was at its lowest. Jom was successful in his goals, making him 1 million dollars at the age of 15 with various projects, as selling courses and gaining over 5,000 students , investing in cryptocurrencies, trading stocks.

How was Jom Chung selling crypto courses at 15 years old? 

He had his older brother who managed to be the face of the courses and ads, Jom was telling him what to say, do or act, as he was the one with the knowledge, designing the web and marketing.

How a 15 year old know so much about cryptocurrencies?

In 2015 Jom decided to learn everything about cryptocurrencies, and stocks as he was diagnosed with 140 IQ as the age of 10 years old being born as a poor kid. While he was having breakfast he was talking about it, after lunch Jom was researching about it, or were investing on a cryptocurrency, he didn’t waste time.

How’s Jom doing now?

Jom currently has over 5,000 students around the world who actually believes in his knowledge and not his age and he is currently investing over 10 million dollars (currently being the first 17 years old with 8 figure portfolio). claiming that these will give him huge gains, as Jom sees an opportunity with the current recession, he has a strategy, and decided to share it to thousands of his current students

Jom Chung: Its a golden ticket opportunity of a lifetime, were very close of the current market cycle, these events just happen every 4-5 years, and this is your last chance, before it takes off

If you’re interested in Jom Chung’s course check it on : jomchung.com

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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