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CBD offers a variety of benefits to cannabis users, but one of the most talked about properties is its ability to suppress anxiety. If you are suffering from increased anxiety and want to buy CBD flower online in Canada, here we give you the facts on the research and list our top CBD strains for treating anxiety.

CBD and Anxiety

No one enjoys those racing thoughts or racing hearts. But the dynamics of our modern world predisposes many of us to such an existence. Sana Nord Anxiety can be a mild annoyance for some of us, while for others it can be truly debilitating.

Where pharmaceutical drugs can help relieve anxiety, they often come with a variety of side effects and can even be addictive in some cases. CBD works differently than modern medicines and, for the most part, is relatively free of harmful side effects.

The research on CBD and anxiety

There are several clinical studies on the use of CBD to treat anxiety. Science has widely accepted that there are indeed benefits and that they come with relatively little cost in terms of side effects and potential for addiction.

A well-respected study was conducted on Japanese school children who were showing symptoms of social anxiety. After the children were given either 300 mg of CBD oil or a placebo daily for four weeks, the researchers found that the subjects reported that their anxiety had decreased to levels comparable to those treated with drugs.

Another study conducted at a psychiatric hospital found that outpatients given 25 mg of CBD daily reported a significant decrease in anxiety levels. After two months of treatment, 78 percent of these patients reported improvements from using CBD on top of their regular treatment.

Can CBD Ever Increase Anxiety?

While most patients and the majority of studies report positive benefits of CBD for treating anxiety, this is not always the case. A 2018 study found that CBD can sometimes make anxiety worse in certain cases. Interestingly, the study highlighted that patients with a predisposition to paranoia often worsened their anxiety symptoms with CBD.

The top 9 CBD strains to treat anxiety

If you’re buying CBD flower online in Canada and want to alleviate those anxiety symptoms, then here are our top nine high-CBD strains.

1) Cannatonic

Cannatonic is a well-respected high-CBD strain and a reliable performer for many patients suffering from anxiety. Cannatonic is a cross between G13 Haze and MK Ultra. The CBD content is around 10 percent and the strain has a low THC content of around five percent. Known for its soothing and uplifting effects, Cannatonic is useful for treating other conditions in addition to anxiety, such as muscle spasms, migraines, and general pain. In addition to her powerful medicinal benefits, she’s also easy on the palette with a sweet, earthy flavor accompanied by woody undertones .

2) dance world

The CBD content in Dance World averages 11 percent, and this fragrant strain comes with hints of citrus and lavender with herbal undertones. Many consumers find that Dance World successfully targets an anxious mind and can help relieve stress due to the indica qualities of the Afghani genetics that are common to this strain.

3) Pennywise

With a CBD to THC ratio of 1:1, Pennywise contains an average of 7.5 percent CBD. It is a cross between Jack the Ripper and Harlequin and is extremely helpful for many patients who use it to treat anxiety and stress. The balanced THC and CBD levels help keep the psychoactive effects of THC in check with moderate levels of CBD to ensure a stable and relaxed mood that doesn’t overwhelm or worsen symptoms.


ACDC is one of the most well-known CBD strains out there. The THC content is negligible, while the CBD content is between 11 and 15 percent. It is this high ratio of CBD to THC that makes ACDC extremely proficient at combating conditions like anxiety. What’s more, the absence of THC means those who don’t respond positively to it can avoid making anxiety symptoms worse.

5) Stephen Hawking Kush

The CBD content of Stephen Hawking Kush is just over 10 percent. And with a CBD to THC ratio of 2:1, it means maximum medicinal benefit without aggravating symptoms with high levels of THC. As well as helping to treat anxiety, Stephen Hawking Kush is also widely used in the medical community to suppress nausea and treat depression.

6) CBD Mango Haze

CBD Mango Haze offers seven percent CBD and four percent THC. CBD Mango Haze is known to provide relief from a variety of conditions, including anxiety. CBD Mango Haze is perhaps best known for inducing a relaxed and focused mindset, which often appeals to those who use cannabis at work or other places where they need to remain alert and not intoxicated . If you suffer from anxiety at work and are looking to buy CBD flower online in Canada, this strain might be worth checking out.

7) CBD Critical Mass

With a CBD content of 9.5 percent and a THC content of 6.5 percent, CBD Critical Mass induces a relaxed and euphoric mood in many patients suffering from crippling anxiety. And on top of that, it’s pleasing to the palate with its sweet and earthy flavors and spicy herbal undertone.

8) Charlotte’s web

Charlotte’s Web is perhaps one of the most famous high-CBD strains out there. The strain garnered a lot of attention a few years ago when it reduced the number of epileptic seizures in a girl named Charlotte Figi from 300 a week to one or two a month. And while many use it to control epileptic seizures, the high CBD content of 11 to 13 percent with negligible amounts of THC means Charlotte’s Web is also extremely helpful in relieving stress and anxiety cbd gummibärchen for many consumers.

I want to buy CBD flowers online in Canada

Some may claim that it is pure snake oil, but the scientific and anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD can be extremely helpful in treating anxiety. If you are considering buying CBD flower online in Canada, you have a variety of options available to you. While there are countless strains, each offering a range of effects, there are also CBD edibles, tinctures, and vaporizers that also work just as well and may even be preferable in certain cases.

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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