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What types of orthodontics exist?

There are different types of orthodontics and techniques that orthodontists use to correct the placement. And alignment of teeth to ensure better aesthetics and oral health. Such are the various options. That on many occasions one does not know what type of orthodontics will suit you according to your oral needs 

There are different factors that influence the choice of one technique or another. From the patient’s lifestyle to any anomaly that may affect their well-being. One of the objectives of Clinic Cloud is to inform you enough. So that you can guide your decision when consulting a dental specialist about what type of orthodontics is right for you. 

For this reason. In this post we tell you about the different modalities used in dental clinics so that you know what each of them consists of.  

orthodontic treatments

When we talk about orthodontics. We refer to the treatments that are carried out in clinics to progrhttps://techfollowup.com/manufacturing-eyelash-packaging/essively level and correct the patient’s teeth and bite. And there are several ways to do it, traditional ones such as the well-known brackets . And other more modern and innovative ones such as invisible orthodontics 

Knowing which one best fits your profile depends on what you really want and need. And it will always be the professional who, finally, endorses your preferences. 

Regardless of the type of orthodontics, they all share the same function. To modify the position of the teeth, either in a more or less aesthetic way. All models take advantage of the regeneration of the bone. And tissues of the oral cavity to balance and harmonize the masticatory system. 

So what differentiates one technique from another? Issues such as comfort, hygiene, aesthetics, pronunciation, the number of visits to the clinic they require, etc. In any of the cases. Let’s first see what each of them consists of and then make a comparison that will clarify your doubts. 

fixed orthodontics

Fixed orthodontics are those that include techniques that use multibrackets, that is. The classic brackets that stick to the teeth of a lifetime. Although it could be considered the least aesthetic type of orthodontics. Advances in medical-odontological science have achieved significant evolution, both ornamental and functional. 

Currently, there are several types of brackets that manage to be more discreet and practical. With smaller and more invisible models. The types of fixed orthodontics are classified according to the material. That has been used and the place where they are to be placed. Some of them are:

metal braces

Within fixed orthodontics, it is the most traditional and the one that most people usually know. They are quite resistant, especially against bumps, bites or certain foods and it is one of the cheapest models. 

Metal braces treat problems such as alignment type of bite, and position of the teeth . The disadvantage? The aesthetic. Of course. At least you have the option of giving it a personal touch through the colored rubber bands that are placed on the brackets. 

ceramic braces

Aesthetics improves a lot with this type of fixed orthodontics. In fact, it is what stands out most about ceramic brackets, their design. In addition, you can combine them with the previous treatment. Since there is the possibility of placing ceramics on the front teeth to leave the metal ones in the less visible part, on the lower teeth. 

sapphire brackets

Sapphire braces are virtually invisible and are quite similar to ceramic braces. Their main advantage is that, thanks to their small size. They better prevent chafing that usually occurs on the gums and lower lip with the traditional metal model. 

In addition, sapphire is a very hard and resistant material. So it prevents the brackets from wearing out easily if they are cared for according to the orthodontist’s instructions. 

lingual orthodontics

This type of orthodontics is placed on the inside of the teeth. So it is completely invisible to the eyes of others since they are hidden. 

To avoid discomfort and sores when chewing or speaking, since they are in the inner part of the teeth, their polishing. Smoothness and adaptability are carefully worked on. 

removable orthodontics

Removable orthodontics are those that can move , which, for example. Can be removed and placed by patients when eating or brushing their teeth. However, the fact that this practice is allowed does not mean that it can be manipulated with total freedom. Since the follow-up and treatment techniques must always be done by the dentistry specialist. 

The most popular type of removable orthodontics is the invisible one, which uses transparent aligners.. That is why it is one of the most common orthodontic techniques in dental clinics. Tnternationally and is preferred by patients. 


As they are aligning caps. They do not require brackets to correct the placement of the teeth and improve their aesthetics . In addition, it does so progressively, since the new position that. The teeth must take is carried out as the covers are changed every two weeks. That is, the teeth move as you wear the aligner to finally achieve the desired result. 

The main advantage of invisalign orthodontics. Apart from being almost invisible, is that you can remove it when you eat and brush your teeth. Therefore, it facilitates the maintenance of oral hygiene, which can reduce the number of visits to the dentist. Something that, possibly, you could not avoid with more traditional orthodontics. 

What type of orthodontics suits you?

Knowing which type of orthodontics is most suitable for your profile depends on several factors. For example, you have to study the state of your teeth and the result you want to obtain, if you want a long-lasting or faster treatment. How important aesthetics is to you. If you are willing to go to the dentist several times or how far your economic capabilities.  

Our recommendation is that you go to a dental clinic. And consult a specialist so that they can offer you the. Best solution according to your needs. Although it is also good to go with homework done. Therefore, we show you a brief comparison compiling the types of orthodontics that we have discussed. So that you have a clearer idea of ​​what you want. 

Lingual braces – Of all the types, this one may be the least comfortable. In addition, it is more difficult to maintain hygiene and your pronunciation is noticeable. Aesthetically they are not visible and emergency visits only happen sometimes. They have a high efficiency, it is only applicable to adults, it requires more and longer visits to the dentist. And it is one of the most expensive models on the market. 

Metal brackets : they are not very comfortable, they are difficult to clean, they are aesthetically pleasing. They have little pronunciation and sometimes they require visits to dental emergencies. They have a high efficiency, they are valid for any age. The number and duration of visits to the dentist are normal and they are the most economical. 

Ceramic braces :

 Compared to the rest of the models. They have average efficiency and the number of visits and the duration of the query are normal.

Sapphire brackets : this model has the same characteristics as the previous one. They are not very comfortable and it is difficult to maintain hygiene. Aesthetically they look very little, like their pronunciation.

Invisible orthodontics :

 It offers high comfort and easy hygiene. In addition, with invisible orthodontics it will not be necessary for you to go to the dentist regularly. The disadvantage? Which is the most expensive on the market. 

How to choose a good orthodontist

At Clinic Cloud we have extensive experience offering digital management solutions to dental clinics 

For this reason. We want to advise you so that you know how to choose a good orthodontist. Who attends to your preferences and gives you the solution you need. 

What do you have to take into account to identify a good orthodontist ? That they offer good attention and continuous communication with the client. That they have extensive experience and specialization of the orthodontist. That they plan the treatment and study your case in depth together with your dental clinical history. 

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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