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What is the role played by a probate attorney?

Every individual wants that after they pass away their assets must be distributed in the proper manner adhering to the state laws and per the directions mentioned in the estate plan. A probate attorney comes into the picture to make this process easier and smooth. They guide the executor of the will or the legal heirs of the estate throughout the probate process starting from identifying the financial assets, properties, and other things to distributing these assets and inheritances in a proper manner. They are also called estate attorneys and are licensed under the state to work with beneficiaries and legal heirs to manage and settle the affairs of the deceased. 

The role played by a Reno Probate Attorney:-

  • Initiate the probate process: The probate attorney will help frame legal documents and the right paperwork to initiate the probate process. The legal documents and paperwork filed with the probate court will ensure the authority of the executor and give orders to move forward with the probate process. The executor has a fiduciary duty to the estate and its legal heirs. 
  • Collecting assets: The executor now has the task to locate and secure probate and non-probate assets and evaluate the worth of the financial assets and property. They will have to collect proceeds of life insurance for the deceased and manage the finances tied up in retirement accounts and plans. For this, they will require assistance. A probate attorney will provide the right guidance and help identify and ensure the estate is secure. 
  • Distributing assets and closing the process: Once all the assets are identified, inventoried, and evaluated, the debts of the estate are cleared, now the executor with the help of the probate attorney can distribute the assets as mentioned in the estate plan. The probate attorney closes the process by filing documentation including a tax return to close the estate. 
  • Settle disputes: During the whole probate process, if any disputes arise between the executor and the legal heirs, it is settled by the probate attorney. They can also help with the sale of the estate property. 

A seasoned probate attorney will be a huge help to the family of the deceased to guide them through the complex probate process. The probate process determines if the estate plan is valid or not and after that only they allow the transfer of assets to the legal heirs. The probate attorney will ensure the executor of the will or the beneficiaries get a favorable outcome from the time-consuming process. 

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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