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Ozone water treatment

water treatment solutions with ozone

Ozone water treatment

Ozone water treatments. In this space we explain the different water disinfection solutions with ozone to combat the different problems in water treatment.

Water is one of our most precious assets and, since the beginning of time, has been the key to civilization and development.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to state that one of the most serious conservation problems currently facing the human species is that of preserving and maintaining the quality of natural waters .


The level of water quality, as well as its per capita consumption, stand as indicators of the degree of development of a country, and the States must guarantee their citizens water suitable for the use that will be given to it in each case.

In any case (drinking water, residual water reused for recreational uses, ice production, irrigation water, etc.), Ozone Treatment Odessa is the ideal option to ensure that water disinfection meets the quality requirements established by the regulations for each one. of its uses.

The water distribution system is made up of various conduction and storage elements that are likely to constitute water contamination pathways if appropriate control is not exercised over them. Traditionally, said control is carried out through chemical disinfection processes with halogens, mainly chlorine compounds, despite the risks that this implies, both at the labor level (handling and storage), and at the level of environmental impact, since , in addition to the residual chlorine present in the discharge, very persistent and dangerous secondary oxidation products are generated, such as trihalomethanes, of a proven carcinogenic nature.

In this way, and after verifying the biocidal properties of ozone at the end of the 19th century, the use of this gas in water treatment, by means of simple electric generators, has been consolidating and spreading throughout Europe and North America.

Did you know …

Ozone, a powerful oxidant thanks to its high oxidation potential (much higher than that of chlorine and other biocides), meets many of the requirements for the ideal biocide.

Some advantages of using ozone for water treatment

Effective against a wide range of microorganisms

It can be said that ozone acts indiscriminately, since no limits have been determined on the number or species of microorganisms that it can eliminate: bacteria, viruses, protozoa, nematodes, fungi, cell aggregates, spores, cysts…

This universality is explained by the form of action of the gas: unlike the halogens commonly used, ozone does not have a reversible inhibitory effect on intracellular enzymes or, what is the same, microorganisms do not develop resistance against it.

Fast effective action at low concentrations for a wide pH range

Ozone needs less concentration and contact time than other biocides to achieve the same degree of disinfection as these; This is explained by its high oxidizing power, as well as by its mechanism of action. On the other hand, and unlike other disinfectants, its action is independent of the pH of the water (at pH levels between 6 and 9), since in acid conditions direct oxidation by molecular ozone predominates, while in basic conditions ozone gives rise to the generation of free hydroxyl radicals, highly reactive and even more powerful as oxidants than the ozone molecule itself.

low persistence

The ozone is not discharged into the environment, but rather mixes with the water as it is produced, so that all the ozone generated becomes dissolved. Its half-life is very short, so it does not leave residues.

Ease and safety of handling and application.

Ozone is an irritating agent in its gaseous form and is classified as harmful. However, under the proposed application conditions, it does not present any danger, since it is used dissolved in water, and ozonated water does not present contact toxicity. On the other hand, as it is generated in situ, its handling, storage or transport is unnecessary, which results in a very significant reduction in the risks derived from these activities (irritation and corrosion, serious accidents due to spills of dangerous substances).

Low cost

Ozone treatment entails the economic advantages of reducing costs due to work-related accidents due to its low level of danger, saving water by allowing higher concentration cycles due to its rapid decomposition, and reducing maintenance costs for installations by Ozone is highly effective in removing biofilm and preventing scale.

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