Is primer applied before BB cream? A primer is the first step, followed by a foundation or BB cream.
To prevent creasing, apply concealer right after foundation, so that it covers your redness.
I would use foundation first, concealer second, and then a primer.
You need a primer first, then foundation or BB cream.
For a smoother finish and added definition, apply concealer after foundation, but before setting powder.
That’s right – priming, foundation, BB PRIMER and concealer is the best order of application for these three products.
Powder Foundation Powder foundations are much like BB creams, except that they contain powder rather than lotion. Powder foundations can be used alone or under a BB cream, but they must be used over primer. This is because they tend to cake up, so primer helps prevent this from happening.
Once you have applied your primer, apply your foundation and blend out. Powder foundations can be applied with either an airbrush or a brush, and the latter is usually better.