Cereals, don’t we all love to have this healthy morning meal? Considering all the health benefits they offer, no one will not think twice about consuming this healthy breakfast. On the other hand, this also means that customers will judge everything about your cereals before purchasing them. This is where your creativity is required. To differentiate your cereals, you can design your own custom printed cereal boxes. Check out some successful packaging ideas below to help you design the boxes that sell more!
Why Is Cereal Packaged in Rectangular Boxes?
Well, this is a challenging question.
When you enter any retail store to purchase cereals, you will see many cereal brands along the aisle. If there is one thing these brands will have in common is that they packaged their cereals in rectangular boxes. In fact, it is rare to see other shapes of wholesale cereal boxes. But have you ever thought about the reason behind this?
The reason is that the rectangular shape of boxes allows you to put more volume. At the same time, these boxes will help in maintaining a width acceptable to be gripped by one hand. In simple words, rectangular boxes for cereals make it easier for customers to pour the cereals with one hand.
Know the Exact Purposes of Your Packaging Boxes
The main goal of any product packaging is, of course, to make your product highly attractive in customers’ eyes. This simply means that you need the right design that drives customers to purchase your healthy cereals. More than that, you need to make them want your cereals over other cereal brands.
To decide the type of design you want for your custom printed cereal boxes, you need to know first why the audience loves that design. Additionally, you need to consider what other cereal brands do not offer.
Let’s say that your cereals include fruits in the ingredient list. In this context, you can use an image of the fruit on the front of your boxes to make customers notice your cereals.
Using the Suitable Packaging Material Is a MUST
As a cereal brand owner, you surely want to open up more possibilities of selling your products higher. But how do your target customers know what they can expect from your cereals? This is where your packaging boxes come as your savior. Your wholesale cereal boxes, in this context, will be the most important tool for connecting with customers and driving higher sales.
So,yes, we can say that the important step in designing your boxes is choosing and using suitable packaging material.
Always Pay Attention to the Design Layout
All brands know that product safety is the most important factor to achieve when it comes to designing any type of packaging. Your boxes should have the capacity to keep your healthy cereals in the best conditions. Additionally, the boxes need to protect your cereals from contamination by external elements.
Most importantly, your wholesale cereal boxes should also protect your cereals during transportation. This includes ensuring that your healthy cereals will arrive at the destination in the best shapes and conditions.
Fit Your Branding Elements into Your Boxes
When designing your boxes, consider how your branding elements fit into them. Eventually, your boxes should help you communicate your company’s values. Of course, you need to make sure that the design of your custom printed cereal boxes is attractive in customers’ eyes.
To achieve this design, you need to decide on the right color scheme for your boxes. This will help you ensure that everything fits together and looks perfect. Additionally, keep in mind that your brand logo should be recognizable by customers even from a far distance.
The next thing to consider is using high-contrast colors. You also need to focus on the color of your font style for ingredient lists and nutritional information. Remember that the detailed information should be easy to read by customers. After all, they want to know the details to make a purchase of your cereals.
Believe it or not, in the end, you will find designing your boxes to be a very exciting process.
Know What Other Brands Are Doing
No matter how expensive your cereals are, you can never sell better without an appealing presentation. To meet your customer’s expectations, you should research and know the ongoing trends in the market. In addition, you should see what other brand competitors are doing with their packaging boxes.
This will help you know what works and what doesn’t work at all when designing your wholesale cereal boxes.
Wrapping Up
It is not that difficult to win the sale with your custom printed cereal boxes. All you need is to be creative and express your branding themes. Plus, you can always get help from experts such as Silver Edge Packaging!