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Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Bring ‘Dead’ Roofing Leads Back to Life

You may be aware that leads only maintain their “hot” state and freshness for a maximum of 48 to 72 hours after they arrive in your CRM or inbox before they start to turn “warm,” then “cold,” and finally “dead” in the shadowy depths of your database, never to be reached again.

As they are swamped with roofing works for a significant portion of the year and may not have the time to get in touch with, price, and book everyone who expressed interest in their services, some roofers don’t think it is all that important that they lost these leads.

Nevertheless, missed leads can mean lost sales, negative reviews, and lost word-of-mouth for your roofing company. Even if you’re swamped with work, you can still improve your workflows to accommodate additional roofing projects.

Here are three strategies for reducing time consumption and reviving dormant leads so you may expand your roofing company and boost sales with less hassle.

While you’re here…

Insurance is a crucial aspect of running a business, as it helps protect you and your company from potential risks and liabilities. As a roofing contractor, it’s important you have the right insurance coverage to protect yourself from any accidents or damages that may occur on a job site. Insurance for roofers can vary depending on the industry, and for example, insurance for roofers may have different requirements and coverage options compared to other types of contractors. It’s important to do your research and consult with insurance professionals to determine the appropriate coverage for your specific business needs.


By setting up some automation to maintain their interest and keep your business’s brand in their heads, you can easily prevent your hot leads from cooling off while also resuscitating some of the older ones.

It is important to create and maintain an email list and use email automation tools to stay in touch with customers and leads. Email workflows can be used to make sure that your leads receive the information they require from you at the appropriate time.

Most of your fresh leads will take the following action:

  • Get a quote from you and accept it.
  • Get a quote from you but go to a rival.
  • Get a quote from you and take no action. 

When someone requests a quote but doesn’t respond, you want to try and secure the business.

Automate an email that will go out a week or two after your roofing company provides the customer with a quote for their project. You could include a question in this email asking them to respond with their thoughts on your roofing plan so you may send them an updated proposal or a special offer.

No response as of yet? Keep your faith! To keep your cold leads informed of your goods or services, create another fast email flow that sends emails at regular intervals. Or, spotlight a couple of the shingles your roofing firm installs while offering a discount three months from now.

Also, if you operate in a hurricane-prone region, you can give advice on how to safeguard homes’ roofs from storm damage. This will encourage potential customers to consider other options besides a roof replacement. Even if they don’t seem interested right now, they might need your help in the future.

In order to ensure that every potential client that contacts you is occasionally reminded of your roofing business without feeling like they are being deluged with emails and calls, it is important to be strategic in terms of what emails you do send. That way, when the time comes, they will know who to contact.

Call Your Dead and Cold Leads

Having email automation running continually is a great method to resurrect cold leads while still being able to go about your daily business, but it’s vital to keep in mind that we’re all human and that occasionally a good old-fashioned phone call could be all you need to complete the deal.

Most likely, if your CRM allows you to set up email automation, you can also sort, tag, and filter all of your leads depending on whatever criteria you might want to keep an eye on. Organize your leads using a filter that can group them by “last contacted” date (for example, leads that you haven’t spoken to in the past 90 days), and set aside some time each day to give this list of leads a quick call.

Even if you don’t close anyone that day, doing this consistently will ensure that your cold and dead roofing lead lists are kept to a minimum because you’ll be able to eliminate any leads who tell you they aren’t interested in working with you and any whose phone numbers have since been disconnected.

As a roofing contractor, you already know that communicating with and getting along with people is half the job, and it’s obvious that you’re in this line of work because you’re adept at making phone calls. By reducing the quantity of leads that are missed, put those skills to work and make sure you’re always optimizing your income.

Discover methods to speed up your daily activities, so you can reach out to more people.

When you only have a few months to complete your outdoor home improvement work, and your company’s service location is one that experiences cold weather and snow for half the year, the roofing season may rapidly become burdensome. It’s simple to unintentionally allow some eligible leads to go through the cracks and lose interest in this squeeze.

To make sure that everyone who needs a call or email gets one, the solution in this situation is to be as organized and effective as possible. Using software tools to reduce the amount of time you spend each day is the most effective way to do this.

In order to provide homeowners with the price they want, roofers no longer need to visit every single property. Instead, consider using roof measurement software to measure any roof quickly and correctly from anywhere using strong A.I. tools.

Furthermore, by reducing the time it takes to create a roofing proposal from hours to minutes, the latest software makes it simple for roofers to provide as much data in their quotations as they see fit, depending on the stage of the sales process they’re at.

In addition to scheduling roofing jobs, having more time during the day to contact as many interested leads as possible, as well as work on contacting your cold and dead leads to increase sales and keep your contact lists as clean and organized as possible, is made possible by cutting down on travel time and the time required to create roofing proposals.

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