Podcasting is an exciting way to get your message across. It keeps the audience interested and helps the brand get to where it wants to be. To be a good speaker, you should learn what podcast submission is. It can help your business get a lot of attention on the web. It is essential to make podcast submission content that is approachable.
Podcasts are audio messages that have already been recorded and put on the internet so people can download and listen to them. SEO Audit Services are important for Podcast Submission. It is a creative way to talk to the audience in a way that makes them feel they agree. It is a way to speak that doesn’t take much time. If you know what podcast submission means in SEO, you can speed up your business and be at the top.
5 Tips to Improve SEO for Podcasts
How can you make SEO work better for your brand with podcasts? Here are five podcast SEO tips you can use to improve your podcast and build your brand:
1. Look for podcast topics that can bring people to the site.
The way a podcast is sent out makes it different from a blog. Podcasts are audio files, while blogs are written posts. It is a well-known fact that blog posts with no topic or theme get few visitors because people don’t want to read random content. They don’t show up on SERPs and don’t get any attention on social media, either. The same idea is accurate for podcasts, too.
Find out what’s popular before you start a podcast. If you already know what you want to learn about, look for related keywords. This gives you more ideas for content and lets you know how many likes and shares, inbound links, and SEO visitors you get.
It would help if you kept in mind that not every podcast will be a hit and bring people to your site. The idea is to stay up-to-date and keep adding exciting topics.
2. Find out about keywords for your podcast
Keep your keywords in mind when you write content for a blog or podcast. You’ll need a clear theme or topic, a plan for how the episode will be put together, and keywords that describe your podcast.
Do keywords research once you have a plan for the structure. During the keyword research, try to find words that get a lot of searches but don’t have a lot of competition. Use Google Ads and similar keyword tools to determine what works best for your podcast. It would help if you avoided keyword stuffing when making a podcast. You don’t need to repeat the keyword a lot to get organic traffic.
3. Podcast Voice
The person who hosts your podcast needs to have a good, strong voice. This is to make sure that Google can understand as many keywords as possible when people talk. If you mumble or don’t speak clearly, Google’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) will have a more challenging time understanding what you’re saying, and the AI will also have a more challenging time writing it down.
Podcast SEO is helped by having a solid podcast voice. By bringing in more listeners, a podcast with an interesting topic and a good voice helps to drive traffic naturally.
If you are starting, remember to speak from your gut, not your throat. While recording, maintain a healthy, upright stance and try to say each word clearly so that any listener and Google’s AI can understand you.
4. Episode Transcripts
Google’s speech-to-text feature turns your podcast into text automatically. That means it will be flawed, though. You’ll have to check your transcript to make sure there are no mistakes.
It takes a lot of time to transcribe and double-check data. But “edit time” lets you add your SEO keywords to the transcript of your podcast. It also helps search engines figure out more about your podcast.
Putting a transcript of an episode with a podcast makes the topic easier for people to understand. It gives them a chance to look for a specific piece of content they might be looking for.
5. Provide metadata
Adding metatags is a well-known SEO technique because metadata gives your content more information and details. After a title has been added, the description comes next. This summary helps people understand what the content is about and also helps search engines find the content.
Meta tags are also an excellent tool for podcasts. With metadata, users can find information more easily. You can get organic traffic to your podcast by adding several relevant meta tags. Adding metadata to your podcasts makes them easy to find on SERPs.
It would help if you had good equipment to be a good speaker and submit podcasts. If you know what podcast submission is and how it works, these tips can help your business. Public speaking skills can be improved by making and submitting podcasts often. So, if you want to improve, you should learn what podcast submission in SEO means and How SEO Audit Services works.