Simply put, a brand strategy is a very intensive plan that gets backed by insights and research. You can place together a brand strategy, that might be a very time-taking process. But it tends to be a long-term investment for the business and is also worth all your effort. And while most companies are different, today, you have some crucial elements for the brand strategy.
To learn more about a brand strategy, you can check out Cleansheet. Do you want to know the core elements of a brand strategy? The following pointers can help:
Outline the goals and vision
Ideally, it would help if you made sure all about your business goals and vision. It will act as the base of the brand strategy framework. It would help if you started by determining the purpose. In order to know this, you should start in writing all that enables you to create your business. You can ask yourself the reason behind starting your business. It could be that you came across an unresolved pain point or found scope in a brand-new technology.
Next, what is it that you wish to provide your client? You can answer it from a consumer perspective instead of the product features. For instance, you might want the consumers to save time using a productivity tool. Instead, you can offer the client a time tracker built with a particular technology.
Create a vision statement
The moment you define all that drives your business, you need to look into the business’s future. Hence, coming up with a vision statement is one more critical aspect of the brand strategy. You can ask yourself two vital questions:
- What is the meaning of long-term success for you?
- Where do you vision your company in the next 5,10, and 15 years?
Keeping the vision statement simple is necessary, as it is mainly about the long-term objectives. You will have to outline all that you wish to attain. Hence, the statement will provide clarity when you make any essential decision, including the brand strategy.
Staying aligned with the business objectives
A unique mistake here is to develop your business strategy and brand strategy in silos. And this approach might be an issue in terms of implementing the strategy. A robust brand strategy will get decent brand equity, which is the amount consumers want to pay for the brand. It is another reason for syncing businesses and brand strategy.
Last but not least, you should have a clear understanding of the competition. For this, you need to study all the competitors to understand the way you can distinguish your brand. Simply put, your competitors are:
- The other businesses that provide similar products
- A replacement of the service or product
- A solution for the customer pain points that needs a solution
You need to assess to know what the competitors don’t provide. It means you have to get to your unique selling point. It needs to be right at the core of the branding messages. In case your USP isn’t easily replaceable, you know your strength.