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What are the Best Islamic Supplications in Islam?

Islamic supplications, known as duʿāʾ, are profoundly important in the life of a Muslim. Through supplicating to Allah, a Muslim maintain a close relationship with their Creator, humbly imploring for His help, forgiveness, and mercy. There are many excellent Islamic Supplications taught by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that Muslims regularly recite, but some stand out as being particularly impactful and meaningful. This article explores the best and most beloved supplications in Islam.

Adhan – The Call to Prayer

The Adhan, called out before each of the five obligatory daily prayers, is one of the most iconic Islamic Dua’s. Its beautiful cadence echoes through cities across the Muslim world, calling believers to interrupt their daily lives and come before Allah in worship.

The Adhan reminds Muslims that salah is one of the pillars of the Islamic faith. Its verses proclaim the greatness of Allah and affirm the prophethood of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم. Reciting the Adhan is considered an honored position, and muezzins are chosen for their upright character and beautiful voices.

When hearing the Adhan, Muslims repeat the same words, affirming their intention to come to prayer. This regular call helps structure Muslims’ days around the remembrance of Allah.

Qunut – Humble Supplication in Witr Prayer

The Qunut is a profoundly moving supplication that is recite during the Witr prayer, the last prayer of the night. The worshipper raises their hands and humbly asks Allah for help, guidance, forgiveness, refuge and mercy.

There are many beautiful Qunut supplications record from Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم and his companions. The simplicity and sincerity of begging Allah directly for one’s needs makes the Qunut a cherished part of Witr. Many devout Muslims will memorize longer Qunut supplications to recite at this special time.

Ayat Al-Kursi – Verse of the Footstool

Ayat Al-Kursi, a verse from Surah Al-Baqarah of the Holy Quran (2:255), holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims. It is consider one of the greatest verses from the Quran due to its profound description of Allah’s magnificence and power.

Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم described Ayat Al-Kursi as the greatest verse in the Quran. Reciting it provides protection, blessing and peace. Most Muslims have memorized Ayat Al-Kursi and will recite it after every obligatory prayer. It is a simple yet beautiful supplication that reminds believers of Allah’s domination over all things.

Last Three Surahs of the Quran

The last three surahs (chapters) of the Holy Quran – Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq and An-Nas – make up a powerful series of supplications by Allah Himself, teaching His servants how to seek refuge in His perfect attributes.

These surahs proclaim the absolute Oneness of Allah (Al-Ikhlas), seek His protection from evil (Al-Falaq) and from the whispers of darkness (An-Nas). They are simple and short, easy to memorize and recite.

Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم declared that regularly reciting these last three chapters of the Quran will provide strong protection. For this reason, Muslims recite them in the mornings and evenings, and also in times of fear or uncertainty.

Supplication for Travel – Staying Safe on Journeys

One of the supplications taught by Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم is known as the Supplication for Travel (Duʿāʾ al-Safar). It is a request for Allah to make any journey easy and safe.

Muslims will recite this supplication before embarking on travel, asking Allah to protect them along the way. The supplication affirms trust and reliance in Allah, acknowledging that humans alone cannot guarantee safe passage.

Part of the supplication asks “O Allah, You are my Companion on this journey and the One Who will return me home again”. This provides reassurance that Allah is always watching over His servants.

Morning and Evening Remembrances

Islam teaches that the mornings and evenings are special times when supplications are more likely to be answer by Allah.

Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم encouraged his followers to take advantage of these times by reciting particular dhikr (remembrances) in the morning and evening. These supplications ask for beneficial knowledge, provision, protection, Paradise and more.

Some examples are: “We have reached the morning and all dominion is for Allah…so praise Allah abundantly”, and “We have reached the evening and all dominion is for Allah so praise Allah abundantly”. These simple yet powerful supplications connect Muslims to Allah at the start and end of each day.

Eid Takbeer – Magnifying Allah

The Eid Takbeer is a special supplication proclaim on the mornings of the two major Islamic festivals, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha. It glorifies Allah through repetition of the phrase “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is Great).

During the walk to Eid prayers, Muslims will exclaim “Allahu Akbar” loudly and joyfully, filling the air with the sounds of celebration. The Takbeer unites Muslims in proclaiming Allah’s greatness and reminding each other of the purpose behind Eid and indeed, all worship.

Supplication of Prophet Ibrahim – Protection from Evil

Part of a longer supplication taught by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is this poignant request for safety from evil: “I seek refuge with Allah from the cursed devil. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. My Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from suggestions of the evil ones.”

Muslims repeat this regularly, asking Allah for protection. It acknowledges our weakness before the whispers of Satan, and seeks Allah’s shelter from falling into sin. The supplication affirms total reliance and trust in Him alone.

Dua of Prophet Yunus – None Deserves Worship but Allah

“There is none worthy of worship except You, glory be to You. Indeed, I have been of the wrongdoers.” This heartfelt cry of Prophet Yunus (Jonah) summarizes the essence of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah) which lies at the heart of Islamic belief.

Calling directly to Allah, admitting our sins before Him, and affirming that only. He deserves worship is a profoundly moving supplication. Muslims repeat this dua often with the same spirit of remorse and devotion as Prophet Yunus felt when he called to Allah from the darkness.

Supplication for Forgiveness – Turning to Allah in Repentance

Seeking Allah’s forgiveness for sins and transgressions (known as istighfar) is central to supplication in Islam. One of the most impactful istighfar supplications is: “O Allah, You are my Lord. There is no god but You. You created me and I am Your servant. I’m striving earnestly to uphold my commitment to You and to follow the guidance from Your Scriptures. I turn to You to shield me from the wrongs I’ve committed. I am grateful for Your blessings and fully aware of my transgressions; therefore, I implore Your forgiveness, for You alone have the power to pardon sins.”

This moving dua encapsulates acknowledging Allah’s lordship and supremacy. Affirming one’s covenant with Him, sincerely seeking His forgiveness and recognizing His mercy. Muslims recite it often, especially after prayers, Quran recitation and at night.


Supplications enable Muslims to build and strengthen their connection with the Divine. From short verses seeking protection, to extended praise and devotion, they cover every human need and emotion. Calling directly to Allah grounds believers in the awareness of their Creator, and reminds them to rely on Him at all times. These beautiful supplications will continue guiding Muslims to the straight path for the rest of time.

Read this Blog for Learn Quran Translation.

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