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Use These 6 Great Methods to Get Out Of Depression 

Depression is a leading cause of suicide globally. Interestingly, the condition doesn’t seem to get the attention it deserves.  

That’s mainly because most people with depression tend to shy away from seeking medical interventions. Some don’t even realize they’re depressed until their condition threatens to worsen.  

Fortunately, there are numerous practical ways to get out of depression and regain control of your life. This article looks at the six most effective methods to kick depression in the butt; 

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

  1. Consider Antidepressant Herbs 

There are plenty of herbal extracts that boast antidepressant properties. Cannabidiol is one such extract.  

Commonly shortened as CBD, cannabidiol is a compound derived from the cannabis plant, widely marketed for its therapeutic benefits. CBD is most famous for its analgesic properties. However, the compound may also help combat stress, anxiety, and depression.  

Cannabidiol fights depression mainly by controlling the body’s endocrine activities. Studies have shown that CBD may inhibit cortisol, the primary hormone associated with stress, anxiety, and depression. CBD may also stimulate the body’s response to ‘happiness-inducing’ chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin.  

The best part is that cannabidiol products come in many shapes and forms. Examples include CBD oral tinctures, THC vape pen, and CBD balms. Out of the many cannabidiol delivery options, CBD gummies are particularly recommended due to their ease of administration.  

  1. Know the Causes and Risk Factors 

It’s difficult to fight depression without knowing what causes the condition and the risk factors. As you shall find, many treatment options primarily target these causes.  

Now, brain chemistry is arguably the most common cause of depression. Numerous brain scans of depressed people indicate some sort of chemical imbalance, particularly in the regions of the brain that regulate mood, sleep, thought, and appetite.  

Depression may also result from hormonal changes. This is especially common in women. Fluctuations in the levels of female reproductive hormones like estrogen and progesterone can trigger depression for women in their menstrual cycles, postpartum periods, or perimenopause and menopause periods.  

Other common causes of depression include; 

  • Brain structure and functionality, such as the inactivity of the brain’s frontal lobe 
  • Early childhood trauma 
  • Alcohol and drug abuse 
  • Genetic predisposition 
  • Chronic physical and emotional pain 
  • Certain medical conditions, such as anxiety, insomnia, heart attack, stroke, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease 
  • Certain medications, such as hormonal birth control pills, beta-blockers, and corticosteroids  

In terms of the risk factors, the following persons are more likely to develop depression; 

  • Women 
  • Economically-deprived people 
  • People of low social status 
  • Transgender people 
  1. Understand the Signs and Symptoms 

Knowing the causes of depression can help you nip the condition in the bud. But it also pays to understand the symptoms.  

Listed below are the tell-tale signs of depression; 

  • Prolonged feelings of sadness and despondency 
  • Feelings of hopelessness or emptiness 
  • Feelings of worthlessness and pessimism 
  • Anger and irritability 
  • Suicidal tendencies or persistent thoughts of death and self-harm 
  • Loss of interest in your hobbies or activities that people generally find thrilling, such as working out and having sex 
  • Withdrawal from your family, friends, colleagues, or peers 
  • Reduced mental concentration and attention span 
  • Diminished memory 
  • Poor decision-making skills 
  • Difficulty talking or moving 
  • Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping 
  • Unexplained appetite changes, which may result in unexplained weight changes 
  • Generalized fatigue 
  • Chronic pain, such as headaches, chest pain, cramps, and digestive problems 

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

  1. Manage Your Expectations 

Sometimes, we develop depression by expecting too much from life.  

It’s okay to be ambitious and optimistic. But it’s essential to keep your expectations in check.  

One way to manage your expectations is by refining your to-do lists. Instead of having a very long to-do list, consider shortening it to smaller, more manageable tasks.  

You can also manage your expectations by setting realistic goals. The goals can be out of sight. But they shouldn’t be out of reach. Most importantly, your goals should be attainable within reasonable deadlines.  

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 

  1. Celebrate Small Wins 

You had predicted that your business would generate $100 million in net profits by the end of this financial year. But then, you only hit $20 million.  

$20 million may be far off your target. However, it doesn’t mean you failed. You didn’t make a loss at all, which matters.  

So, instead of retreating to a dark corner in the boardroom to lament the $80 million you fell short of, why not celebrate the $20 million you netted?  

You’ll become less depressed when you continually nurture the habit of looking at a glass as half-full and not half-empty. 

  1. Avoid Solitude 

The feelings of depression often foment during periods of loneliness.  

It’s easier to entertain suicidal thoughts while withdrawn from everyone else. And as if by some strange coincidence, a weapon of self-destruction will always be nearby.  

Hanging out with family and friends can go a long way in helping you manage many depression symptoms.  

You want to hang around people who can cheer you up and help you see the brighter side of life. Avoid negative company at all costs, as they’ll only compound your situation instead of addressing it.  

If you can’t find anyone reliable to hang out with, consider watching a movie or dancing to your favorite track.  

Photo Credit: Pixabay.com 


It’s not abnormal to develop depression at some point in your life. Everyone does.  

However, you don’t have to let depression take a toll on you. Not when there are various ways to manage the condition and regain control of your life. 

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