Telephoto lenses have a wide range of applications and can be an invaluable tool in a photographer’s arsenal. Here are the top 8 ways to use a telephoto lens to demonstrate how versatile they are.
The longer reach of telephoto lenses is fantastic for photographers who want to photograph shy wildlife, bring distant subjects closer, or simply fill the frame to create an eye-catching shot.
To demonstrate how versatile a telephoto lens can be, we’ve compiled a list of 8 applications for these long lenses. In addition, if you’re in the market for a new telephoto lens,
Our top lists include a number of top canon lenses, including Telephoto Prime Lenses and Telephoto Zoom Lenses.
1. Bring distant subjects closer together
The telephoto effect of these lenses makes objects that are actually separated by a large distance appear to be sat close together. The longer your focal length, the more noticeable the effect. It’s useful when you have a city skyline or mountains in the background that will make your shot more interesting and pleasing if they’re pulled closer to the object closer to your lens, such as the bridge, building, or boulder that’s your main point of focus.
2. Fill In The Blanks
When you want to exclude something from your frame, such as a boring grey sky in the background of a landscape shot, use a telephoto lens to focus in on the colourful tree line rather than having the trees and sky in shot. It will also bring a distant subject closer to you, allowing you to capture frame-filling shots of shy wildlife or a particular aspect of the landscape that is too far away for you to reach.
3. Select Distant Subjects
Use a telephoto lens to isolate your subject if you want to draw attention to a specific aspect that would be lost if shot with a wider focal length. This is possible with shorter focal lengths, but the longer reach of a telephoto allows you to isolate a subject that is some distance away from where you’re shooting.
4. Take Wildlife Photographs
A telephoto lens is ideal for photographing wildlife because it closes the distance between you and the subject. With a canon lens, you’ll be able to take shots that appear to be just a few steps away from your subject when they’re actually quite far away.
This distance ensures that your subject is not startled, and if you’re photographing a potentially dangerous animal, the distance makes it safer for you.
5. Take pictures of the moon
Your photos won’t be as good as those taken with telescopes, but you can still get great moon shots with a long telephoto lens. A tripod, clear skies, good weather, a remote/cable release, a few hours to spare, and good technique are also required. You can even take multiple shots and combine them to create a sharper image.
6. Photographs
When working further away from your subject, shooting head or head and shoulder shots with a longer focal length can provide a better perspective and allow for a tighter crop. This distance also means you won’t have to work too close to your subject, which will make them more comfortable and result in more natural-looking portraits.
You’ll also be able to capture shots with no distortion, and backgrounds will be more easily thrown out of focus, even if they’re only a few meters behind your subject, implying that all focus will be on your subject.
7. Limited Depth Of Field
As previously stated, canon lense make it easier to achieve blurry backgrounds in photos that isolate your subject and make them the focal point of your shot. A shallow depth of field eliminates the possibility of a distracting background detail competing for the viewer’s attention.
8. Action Capture
For fast-paced action that you can’t get close to, such as motorsport and flying events, you’ll need the longer focal lengths that telephotos provide because it’ll be impossible to get close to the action most of the time.
Use your telephoto lens to shoot a few shots where your subject is sharp but the background is nicely out of focus to create a sense of pace.
How good you are at panning, what shutter speed you use, how fast your subject is moving, and how much light is available will make this task more difficult / easier each time you go to the track, but practice makes perfect.