Just imagine that you’ve finished a full day of work and spent the afternoon planning how you’ll finally get around to achieving a goal that’s been sitting on the back burner all week. why you are tired that goes beyond your physical health. As the day progresses and you make your way home, you repeat to yourself like a broken record that you really should just put your head down, so to speak, and get around to accomplishing that one thing. You get inside your house, set your bag down, and… flash forward several hours. As quickly as it came, bedtime has arrived.
Why did this occur?
Your mind effectively gave up before you even began; you lost all the motivation you needed.
Physical exhaustion isn’t the only cause of a lack of energy. It can lead to a condition known as “mental fatigue.” This is a really genuine phenomenon that has an impact on nearly everyone. What if, however, I told you that you can absolutely overcome this challenge? You just need to zero in on the causes of your fatigue and figure out how to operate around them.
Let’s analyze what’s causing your power outage and how to fix it.
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An Unfulfilling Job
It’s common knowledge that the average worker puts in eight hours per day, five days a week in the office. But if you do the math, you’ll see that a 40-hour workweek is equivalent to around 88 complete workdays every year. In a year, that’s the equivalent of working 88 full days. You spend around one-quarter of your life working; that doesn’t include sleeping time. How long is that?
As a result, if you’re not happy in your work, it’s no surprise that your mental strength declines first. The subject of how to recognize unsatisfying employment is raised in many other contexts as well.
Whether you’re tired or not, ask yourself this: Is getting up and heading to work every day something you dread? Do you ever wish you could be doing something else instead of working? You may want to rethink your professional path if you answered “yes” to any of the following questions.
Why? A correlation between happiness at work and well-being has been established by recent research. Those who were unhappy in their professions were more likely to experience depression and have trouble sleeping.
What to Do About It
Unsatisfying employment is a major issue that affects people all around the world. Not everyone has the abilities necessary to immediately enter their ideal profession, and those who do may not yet be aware of what their ideal profession might be. Finding satisfying work is the first order of business. Taking stock of your strengths and areas of interest might help you determine your career path. In what ways could we use those components?
If you know what you want to do but lack the necessary skills, baby steps will get you there. Try enrolling in a distance learning program, locating a mentor, or returning to school (if you have the time and the means). Is there a similar role that you might fill that would provide you the chance to get the necessary experience? Then that’s the place to begin.
Tasks That Seem Insurmountable
- Have a busy schedule? Okay, everyone else does as well.
- Have a full schedule? You have company.
Envision this:
You pull up your list of things to do, eager to get started. You pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit down, and nearly toss yourself off your chair as you remember that you have 18 tasks to complete in the next five hours. In fact, this could be a contributing factor to your fatigue. Burnout is an easy byproduct of being overburdened. When we have too much on our plates, we often experience a state of paralysis known as workload paralysis because we can’t decide where to begin.
This feeling lasts all day, and by the end of it you realize you have accomplished nothing worthwhile since you spent your time doing everything but what you needed to. But as the days grow into weeks and the weeks into months, you have to face the sobering fact that you didn’t do nearly as much as you’d hoped. Feeling helpless because you doubt your abilities is discouraging.
The defeatist outlook is a quick route to mental burnout because it perpetuates a negative loop of feeling overwhelmed, doing little to alleviate that feeling, wasting time, and finally giving up.
What to Do About It
Separate the items in your list. Whenever you find yourself with more tasks than hours in a day, it’s helpful to create a “tomorrow” list or even a “weekend” list. Make your list realistic by including estimated completion times next to each item. This will help you plan accordingly.
Constantly Accepting Alternatives
- Are you interested in going to the movies with me?
- Interested in hanging out at my place?
- “Are you able to provide me with an airport pickup?”
- Want to go out for supper?
If you’re always willing to say yes, the word “no” doesn’t exist in your vocabulary. Unfortunately, it should. You won’t get very far in life if you spend all your time catering to other people’s desires and none of your time pursuing your own. When you learn months later that you didn’t accomplish anything, you’re likely to feel defeated and mentally drained for the same reasons as in the previous scenario.
The good news is that you can transform into a “no” person at any time and finally begin to make progress toward your goals. It’s not simple to change your response pattern from yes to no. It’s acceptable to prioritize your needs as an individual; doing so can have a positive effect on your mental health.
What to Do About It
If you’re used to always saying yes, it could be challenging to start saying no. Try to start by declining weekly commitments by just one thing. Perhaps your low self-esteem is at the root of your inability to say “no” when asked for something because you fear the other person’s reaction. Maybe it’s time to examine your own motivations for trying to make everyone happy by never saying “no.”
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Not Having Any Interests or Hobbies
We can only do great things when we follow our interests and pursue our passions. Their ultimate value lies in their ability to help you discover your calling in life. Even at their worst, they provide incomparable satisfaction and joy.
When things get rough at work, it helps to be able to redirect your attention to something else. It’s crucial to have a hobby or interest outside of work to channel your energy and enthusiasm into if your day job isn’t a good fit. In fact, having a focus for your energy can give your life more purpose and significance. Spending time on activities you enjoy can have positive effects on your professional and personal life.
To sum up, following your passions makes you a better person overall, but especially in terms of your mind. Frustration with life’s monotony sets in when you have nothing to drive you forward. When this happens, you feel frustrated and dejected once more. If left unchecked, this anger can wear out the mind.
What to Do About It
Make sure you schedule some “me” time every day, especially if you haven’t done so in the past. Do something you enjoy for an hour every morning or evening. Start exploring different interests if you don’t already have one. Accept your friend’s invitation to a tennis match or enroll in a free pottery class. You can never tell what will catch your attention and become a favorite.