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RBI Grade B Generalist Topics for Different Phases

RBI Grade B Generalist topics should be adhered to when preparing for the examination. The candidates are advised to prepare phase-wise RBI Grade B Generalist topics to maximise the marks in the exam. The bank has prescribed the phase-wise RBI Grade B Generalist syllabus for all the subjects to qualify for the exam.  

RBI Grade B Phase 1 Topics

Candidates can resort to the following table to know about RBI Grade B topics for the examination. 

Subjects RBI Grade B Topics
Reasoning Alphanumeric Series
Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test
Data Sufficiency
Coded Inequalities
Seating Arrangement
Blood Relations
Input Output
Coding Decoding
Critical Reasoning
Quantitative AbilitySimplification
Profit & Loss
Mixtures & Allegations
Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices
Work & TimeTime & Distance
Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere
Data Interpretation
Ratio & Proportion, Percentage
Number Systems
Sequence & Series
Permutation, Combination &Probability
English LanguageCloze TestPara jumbles
Fill in the blanks
Multiple Meaning /Error Spotting
Paragraph Completion
Reading Comprehension
Sentence Rearrangement
General AwarenessCurrent AffairsIndian Financial Systems
Indian Banking Systems
Monetary Plans
National Institutions
Banking Terms

RBI Grade B Phase 2 Topics

The RBI Grade B Generalist topics for phase 2 have also been released by the competent authorities. The candidates are advised to go through the topics to prepare for the exam in a better way. Here in the table, you can know about the RBI Grade B Generalist Phase 2 topics.

SubjectRBI Grade B Topics
Paper 1- Economic & Social Issues1. Growth and Development 
Measurement of growth- National Income and per capita income
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in India
Sustainable Development
Environmental issues
2. Indian Economy
Economic History of India
Changes in Industrial and Labour Policy
Monetary and Fiscal Policy since reforms of 1991
Priorities and recommendations of Economic Survey and Union Budget
Indian Money and Financial Markets: Linkages with the economy
Role of Indian banks and Reserve Bank in the development process
Public FinancePolitical EconomyIndustrial Developments in India
Indian Agriculture
Services sector in India
3. Globalization
Opening up of the Indian Economy
Balance of Payments
Export-Import Policy
International Economic Institutions
IMF and World Bank
Regional Economic Cooperation
International Economic Issues
4. Social Structure in India Multiculturalism
Demographic Trends
Urbanisation and Migration
Gender Issues
Social Justice: Positive Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged
Social Movements
Indian Political System
Human Development
Social Sectors in India Health and Education
Paper 2- EnglishTo analyse the writing skills of the candidates including expression and understanding of the topic
Paper 3 (a) Finance1. Financial System
Regulators of Banks and Financial Institutions
Reserve Bank of India- functions and conduct of monetary policy
Banking System in India – Structure and concerns, Financial Institutions – SIDBI, EXIM Bank, NABARD, NHB, etc, Changing landscape of banking sector.
Recent Developments in Global Financial System and its impact on Indian Financial System
2. Financial Markets
Primary and Secondary Markets (Forex, Money, Bond, Equity, etc.), functions, instruments, recent developments.
3. General Topics
Financial Risk Management
Basics of Derivatives
Global financial markets and International Banking – broad trends and latest developments.
Financial Inclusion
Alternate source of finance, private and social cost-benefit, Public-Private Partnership
Corporate Governance in Banking Sector, role of e-governance in addressing issues of corruption and inefficiency in the government sector.
The Union Budget – Concepts, approach and broad trends
Inflation: Definition, trends, estimates, consequences, and remedies (control): WPI, CPI – components and trends; striking a balance between inflation and growth through monetary and fiscal policies.
Role of Information Technology in Banking and Finance
Non-Banking System
Developments in Digital Payments
Basics of Accounting and Financial Statements – Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss, Cash Flow
Statements, Ratio Analysis (such as Debt to Equity, Debtor Days, Creditor Days, Inventory Turnover.
Return on Assets, Return on Equity, etc.
Paper 3 (b)- Management1. Fundamentals of Management & Organizational Behaviour
Introduction to management evolution of management thought scientific, Administrative, Human Relations
Systems approach to management. Management functions and Managerial roles
Nudge theory meaning & concept of organizational behaviour
Personality: meaning, factors affecting personality, Big Five model of personality
Concept of reinforcement
Perception: concept, perceptual errors
Motivation: Concept, importance
Content theories (Maslow’s need theory, Alderfers’ ERG theory, McCllelands’ theory of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory)
Process theories (Adams equity theory, Vroom’s expectancy theory).
Leadership: Concept, Theories (Trait, Behavioural, Contingency, Charismatic, Transactional, and Transformational Leadership
Emotional Intelligence: Concept, Importance, Dimensions.
Analysis of Interpersonal Relationship: Transactional Analysis, Johari WindowConflict: Concept, Sources, Types, Management of Conflict
Organizational Change: Concept, Kurt Lewin Theory of Change
Organizational Development (OD): Organisational Change, Strategies for Change, Theories of Planned Change (Lewin’s change model, Action research model, Positive model).
2. Ethics at the Workplace and Corporate Governance
Meaning of ethics, why ethical problems occur in the business
Theories of ethics: Utilitarianism: weighing social cost and benefits, rights and duties, Justice and fairness, ethics of care, integrating utility, rights, justice and caring
An alternative to moral principles: virtue ethics, teleological theories, egoism theory, relativism theory
Moral issues in business: Ethics in Compliance, Finance, Human Resources, Marketing, etc
Ethical Principles in Business: introduction, Organization Structure and Ethics, Role of Board of Directors, Best Practices in Ethics Programme, Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, etc.
Corporate Governance: Factors affecting Corporate Governance; Mechanisms of Corporate Governance
Communication: Steps in the Communication Process; Communication Channels; Oral versus Written Communication; Verbal versus non-verbal Communication; Upward, downward and lateral communication barriers to Communication
Role of Information Technology


What RBI Grade B Generalist topics will be asked in the phase 1 exam?

Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Ability, English Language and General Awareness will be asked in the phase 1 RBI Grade B Generalist exam.

How many papers and what RBI Grade B Generalist topics will be asked in phase 2?

RBI Grade B Generalist Phase 2 will have three papers namely, Economics and Social Issues, English (Writing Skills) and Finance and Management will be asked in the exam. 

What is the marking scheme for the RBI Grade B Generalist?

A negative marking equal to 1/4th of the total marks is applicable for the RBI Grade B Generalist examination.

Is there any minimum qualifying marks for the RBI Grade B Generalist exam?

Yes, the bank has prescribed the subject-wise minimum qualifying marks for the RBI Grade B Generalist exam. 

How many phases are there in RBI Grade B Generalist exam?

There are two phases in the RBI Grade B Generalist exam.

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