Whether you get caught in a misdemeanor or felony crime, it will be enough to create a criminal record in your name. It can be extremely frustrating if you didn’t do anything or weren’t aware of the consequences. Hence, knowing what can lead you to legal troubles is better. After all, you must stay away from harmful practices or rescue yourself when trapped in an unpleasant situation without bail. So, let’s explore two to three different types of such offenses here.
Drug trafficking vs. drug possession
Drug trafficking can appear to be a severe offense, as it involves selling, transporting, or distributing illegal drugs. On the other hand, a case of possessing illicit drugs means getting caught with an unacceptable amount of the substance. Although some might think selling drugs should be more punishable, laws are pretty strict around each of them. Punishment can vary depending on certain circumstances. In the case of possession of drugs, factors like how much you were carryingand the jurisdiction can play a critical role. All these can be punishable by a fine, probation, or jail time. One can also expect a lengthy prison sentence for the seriousness of the crime. Some jurisdictions may require an offender to take treatment.
When it comes to thepunishment for drug trafficking, the officer will consider the severity of the offense based on the weight of illegal drugs recovered from you. Higher quantity can make them suspect you are planning any large-scale smuggling operations. Usually, these cases face 5 to 40 years of imprisonment depending on the amount and type of drug found in their possession. Then, you can also expect your bail to be expensive. Each state can have its rule around it.
No matter why you end up in jail with drug charges, you would want to free yourself from the legal claws as soon as possible. And for this, you may have to post bail. Since a judge can fix a higher amount, you may need to approach a bail bond company like Apex Bail Bonds in North Carolina for assistance. They can manage the entire process to help you escape jail.
Disorderly conduct
Some may debate the efficacy of disorderly conduct laws in deterring crime. While a few say these laws are vague and give police officers discretion to determine what constitutes disorderly conduct, others argue in its favor saying that these laws can help maintain public order. Although these vary from state to state, they involve some form of public disturbance, such as fighting, making a loud noise, or ruining others’ peace. It is a criminal offense in the US and can be punishable by a fine or imprisonment. Some American states consider this a misdemeanor offense, while others count it as a felony. Depending on the severity of your involvement in this crime, you may have to face a wide range of penalties – fine, probation, or jail time.
While these are not serious crimes, they can still impact your personal life. It can create a criminal record, making finding a job or housing difficult. Additionally, a conviction can affect your civil rights. You can think of the right to vote or to keep a firearm.
Like these, multiple crimes can put you behind the bar. Whether you are innocent or not, some charges can send your entire life into a topsy-turvy state. You can struggle to lead an everyday life. Your family may also suffer because of this. Hence, it’s essential to post bail if required and fight your case.