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How to Save Energy at Home

On average, an American family spends $5,640.72 a year on utility bills. In many ways, a family’s energy usage reflects their quality of life: the more energy they use, the less quality of life they enjoy.

Is your home heavily burdened with finances? If so, then there is no better time than now to reduce your home’s energy consumption. Knowing how to harness energy responsibly goes a long way toward raising your family in a better space while reducing expenses.

But how can you do this? Read on to learn how you can save energy at home.

Utilize Natural Lighting

Saving energy at home starts with utilizing natural lighting. Identify areas of your home that can benefit most from natural light and then take serious steps to maximize the light coming into these spaces.

Invest in blackout curtains or shades that you can open and close throughout the day. These curtains will allow natural lighting while still keeping your house cool. 

Installing sunroofs in a roof can also increase the play of natural light and brighten up your living space. It will ultimately reduce your need and use of electrical lighting.

Last, consider upgrading windows to ones that can filter more natural light. This is smart because it also gives you the option of keeping homes cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. All these steps will reduce your energy use and you’ll be able to enjoy the many benefits of natural lighting.

Turn Off Lights and Unplug Unnecessary Appliances

One of the most efficient and easiest ways to save energy is to turn off lights and unplug unnecessary appliances when not in use. When you leave a room, switch off the lights. When you finish working with a computer, printer, or other electronic device, unplug it.

Similarly, appliances such as a washer, dryer, and dishwasher can be unplugged when not in use. Implementing these simple steps can reduce energy costs and save you money in the long run.

Reduce A/C Time

Reducing the amount of time an air conditioner (AC) runs is one of the easiest and most effective ways to save energy at home. In the summer months, open the windows during the overnight and early morning hours, when it is cooler outside. During the day, try to keep shades and curtains closed to limit the amount of sunlight and heat entering the home.

You should also wait to turn the AC on until the temperature has risen significantly. Additionally, you should make sure that your AC filter is clean. Clogged or dirty filters can increase energy consumption and put extra strain on the AC.

Reduce the Temperature Setting on Your Water Heater

The U.S. Department of Energy recommends turning your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a safe temperature, and it can help to save energy and money.

You can turn the water heater down manually by adjusting the thermostat. Or you can buy a “smart thermostat” which can be set to help with energy savings. If you have an electric water heater, be sure to turn it off when you will be away from home for more than a few days.

Install Energy-Saving LED Bulbs

LED bulbs have grown in popularity due to their energy efficiency and long-lasting durability. They are much safer than traditional incandescent bulbs as they give off significantly less heat. Not to mention that they use up to 85% less energy than incandescent bulbs.

Installing LED bulbs is a simple process that you can easily do. The money saved on energy bills, in the long run, is more than worth it. 

Utilize Power Strips

Power strips are devices that can plug several electronic items, such as computers, TVs, and appliances, into one power strip. By grouping them, you can turn them all off at once, which will save you energy and money. This is especially beneficial when you leave electronics on in standby mode, as their power consumption level is still quite high.

Additionally, some power strips come with motion sensors. These sensors can detect when no one is in the room and turn off the electronics accordingly.

Upgrade Your Appliances

Investing in energy-efficient appliances can reduce energy usage and save you money in the long run. For example, newer refrigerators are up to 33% more efficient and use less electricity than older models.

Another way to save energy is by replacing any household appliances that have inaccurate settings or need repairs. You need to replace them with certified appliances by the Energy Star program. This ensures that your appliances use the minimum amount of energy while still providing the same performance. 

Invest in Smart Technology

Investing in smart technology for your home can help you save on energy bills. Smart thermostats allow you to set temperatures during different times of the day, so you don’t waste energy when you’re not home. Smart switches can be easily used to turn lights and electronics off and on remotely, or on a timer when no one is home.

You can dim smart LED lighting can to save energy. And you can automate the interior and exterior lights to turn on and off based on occupancy detection.

You can use smart plugs and power strips to track and control electricity usage and help reduce energy costs. You can even program smart appliances like refrigerators to run during off-peak costs. And your smart home technology can even monitor water usage.

With so many ways to save energy with smart technology, it could be well worth your investment. You just need to make sure that you integrate smart technology into your home properly.

Insulate Your Home

Insulating your home can save significant amounts of energy daily. You can do this in a variety of ways, such as sealing drafty windows and doors and adding insulation material around doors and windows. You can also caulk any cracks or holes in the walls.

Additionally, installing extra weather stripping on the doors and windows can thwart any drafts that may be entering the home. Finally, you should seal heating and cooling vents to improve the home’s efficiency. Insulating your home and sealing any drafts can drastically cut down your energy bill and reduce your carbon footprint.

Plan Your Landscaping Well

Planning your landscaping well is an effective way to promote energy efficiency in your home. Planting deciduous trees in the summer months helps block the sun’s rays from warming your living space. In the winter, the leaves have dropped and let the sun’s rays warm your home.

Even strategically planning where you plant your shrubs and trees can have an effect. Selecting native plants that are suitable for your climate and soil type will help conserve energy and reduce pests. Selecting drought-tolerant plants and grasses helps conserve water use.

Mulching the plants also helps conserve water through evaporation. It will decrease the amount of time it takes to maintain them. Also, make sure to create paths and walkways made of light-colored materials to help reflect the heat from the sun.

Installing outdoor lighting can also increase the energy efficiency of outdoor living spaces. Consider using LED or solar lights; they use less energy than regular bulbs and will last longer.

Invest in Solar Energy

Solar energy is an effective, efficient, and cost-saving alternative to conventional energy sources. You can use solar energy to generate electricity, heat, and even cool a home. By using solar panels to capture the sun’s rays, you can greatly reduce your energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

Solar panels require minimal maintenance. You can use it in combination with a battery system to store unused energy for use at night or on cloudy days.

Solar energy also has the potential to provide you with increased energy independence. You will have peace of mind knowing that you’re doing your part to protect the environment. Investing in solar energy is worth the effort and cost so check out this web page if you want to start this journey.

Measure Your Electricity

When it comes to saving energy in your home, one of the best ways to start is to measure your electricity. You can do this by investing in an inexpensive energy monitor that measures the amount of electricity you’re using. This will give you an idea of how much electricity you’re consuming and how much you need to work to reduce it.

Not only can this help you understand your electricity better, but it will also give you insights into how you can reduce wasteful habits. With a measure of your electricity usage, you’re able to make more informed choices about your energy consumption.

Follow Our Guide on How to Save Energy at Home

There are many simple, easy ways to save energy at home and help the environment. From taking advantage of natural light to measuring your electricity, you can save on energy bills. Every small step will make a difference in the long run.

Cut your energy costs, benefit the environment, and do your part to reduce emissions. Start saving energy at home today!

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