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How to Determine the Fair Home Value for Your Property

When selling a home, understanding its value is crucial. Determining the fair market value ensures that you sell your property for what it’s truly worth, and not less. Here’s a breakdown of how you can evaluate the value of your home.

1. Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)

A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) compares your home with similar properties in your area. This analysis looks at homes with similar size, location, and condition that have recently sold or are currently on the market. By seeing how much those homes sold for, you can estimate a fair price for your own property. This method helps homeowners understand how their property fits into the current real estate market.

2. Location and Neighborhood

The location of your home plays a major role in its value. Homes in areas with good schools, low crime rates, and close access to shopping and parks typically sell for more. Buyers are willing to pay higher prices to live in desirable neighborhoods, and this will reflect in the fair market value of your home.

3. Home Size and Condition

The size of your home, including the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and total square footage, also affects its value. Larger homes usually have higher prices. Additionally, the condition of your property matters. Homes that have been well-maintained or recently updated will sell for more compared to those needing major repairs.

4. Real Estate Commission Costs

When determining your home’s value, remember that traditional home sales usually involve real estate agents who charge a commission, typically around 5-6%. This can eat into your final profit. Companies like Anchored Investments, which buy homes directly, offer a way to bypass these commission costs, allowing you to keep more of the sale price.

5. Maintenance and Holding Costs

Owning a home comes with ongoing expenses like property taxes, mortgage payments, insurance, and utility bills. If you’re holding onto your home for a long period while trying to sell it, these costs can add up. Factoring in these expenses when setting a sale price ensures you don’t end up losing money in the long run.

6. Market Trends

Keep an eye on real estate market trends. Are home prices going up or down in your area? If the market is hot, meaning homes are selling fast and for more money, you may be able to ask for a higher price. But in a slow market, you might need to be more flexible with your price.

7. Appraisal

An appraisal is another way to determine your home’s value. A professional appraiser will evaluate your home and provide an estimate based on its condition, the neighborhood, and recent sales data. This objective third-party opinion can help you set a fair asking price.

Why Fair Market Value Matters

Fair market value ensures both buyers and sellers are getting a fair deal. For sellers, it means you’re not underselling your home. For buyers, it gives confidence that they’re paying the right price.

If you’re in Arizona or California and need to sell your home quickly, consider selling directly to a cash buyer. These buyers often offer fair market value and can provide a hassle-free experience by skipping the traditional sales process. This can save you on real estate commission fees and get the true worth of your home.


Determining the fair market value of your home is an essential step when selling your property. By considering factors like market trends, your home’s size and condition, and using tools like comparative market analysis and appraisals, you can arrive at a price that reflects your home’s true worth. If you want to avoid the hassle of traditional sales and secure a fair deal quickly, Anchored Investments can help you get the cash you need while ensuring your home’s value is properly considered.


What is a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA)? 

    A CMA compares your home to others in your area to estimate its value based on similar properties.

    How does location affect home value? 

    Homes in desirable neighborhoods with good amenities typically have higher market values.

    Why are maintenance costs important in home value? 

    Ongoing costs like taxes and mortgage payments can reduce your final profit if the home sits on the market for too long.

    What is the benefit of selling to a cash buyer? 

    Selling directly to cash buyers allows  you to avoid agent fees and close the deal faster, often at fair market value.

    How can market trends influence home value? 

    If prices are rising in your area, you may be able to sell for more, but in a slower market, flexibility on price may be necessary.

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