Split ACs are a great choice for cooling medium to large rooms, as they offer efficient cooling while taking up less space than a window AC. Improper installation often leads to frequent malfunctions, leaving you with no option other than hiring AC Repair Miami Beach experts.
Now, assuming you have already bought a suitable split AC for your home, let’s have a look at the basics to consider while installing a split air conditioner.
Consider the Right Location for Your Split AC
When installing a split AC, one of the most important things to consider is the right location. Any sort of obstruction in the heat-transfer process can have a negative impact on the AC efficiency, thereby leading to high energy bills. You also need to make sure that there is enough space for the AC unit.
Choose the Correct Mounting Bracket
Now that you have chosen the location, the next thing you need to do is select the mounting bracket. There are three types of mounting brackets available: wall mounted, ceiling mounted and portable. Select the one that is most suitable for your needs. If you are not sure which one to choose, consult a technician.
Take Precautions to Connect the Indoor and Outdoor Units
It’s essential that you take precautionary measures while connecting the indoor and outdoor units. To begin, use an appropriate conduit pipe to cover the wiring that runs between the two units.
While connecting both units, it’s also important to check for any obstructions like trees or other structures near either of them, as this could affect the performance and may even lead to failure or damage.
Check Your Existing Electrical System for Compatibility
Before you install your new AC, it’s important to make sure that your existing electrical system is compatible. This means looking at the wattage rating of the AC system and ensuring it matches the electrical capacity of your home.
If you’re not sure what this means, don’t worry—your local electrician should be able to help you out. They can check the voltage as well as the amperage of your existing wires to make sure they will support the power that your AC requires.
Making these upgrades ahead of time can make installation easier and ensure that your new AC doesn’t overload your existing system.