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Crucial Mistakes to Avoid During BPSC Exam

Clearing a competitive exam like BPSC can change your entire life for good. It can open the path to a new and rewarding career. There are many candidates who sit in different exams every year in the hope to clear it. Of course, if you are reading this post, you too may be looking forward to sit in the bpsc exam.

Well, while you know about the bpsc syllabus in hindi and the overall pattern and all; do you ponder about the mistakes that you may make? There are always sets of mistakes that people make during the exam. This post will get you a quick idea about such mistakes so that you can learn from them and try not to make yourself.

Never rely completely on others 

Being a candidate you must remember that since you are taking the exam, you should be responsible for the overall preparation as well. A lot of folks rely on external factors such as a teacher, mentor, friends or even online videos, etc. To help them understand certain or specific types of topics or motivate them.

The point is it is nice if you are taking professional coaching for assistance to strengthen your preparation. But to completely rely on them is not right. There has to be a proper blend of your self-study and professional guidance.

Plan & execute 

It has been seen that when it comes to exams, actions speak actually louder than words. Merely thinking and planning related to preparation will bear no fruits. The point is no matter how smart and effective your plans are, if you are not performing them; you are doing no good. You need to execute your exam your plan to do well and make the most of your attempt at the exam.

Relying on the previous credentials 

Some candidates do make the mistake of thinking, since he or she is from IIM/IIT, they can easily crack this exam. The point is every single exam is different and diverse set of attributes get tested in each.

So, candidates must definitely treat each exam as new and prepare sufficiently. The point is you need to start from the scratch to ensure that you prepare well. Do not think that because you prepared for some other exam in the past or you did a course or study from a particular institution; you are better quipped for this exam of bpsc. So, make sure that you start from the beginning!

Not taking mock tests 

The better you prepare, the better you perform. If you are simply learning new things and exploring new topics; that is not enough. You have to be sure that you do not skip the mock tests. You have to take mock tests to ensure that you get to know where you stand and what is your weak point.

Hence, mock tests are going to help you prepare well and better. Mock tests will work like your mirror. They will show you exactly your strengths and weaknesses; hence you can prepare well and in a proper manner. Once you take mock tests, you prepare better and well.

Missing out on the revision 

This is indeed a simple mistake. A lot of material stays available mainly for the exams like BPSC exam and there would be a propensity to buy everything available. Also, these days a lot of material and stuff is available online as well. Candidates incline to horde all that electronic data with them. This exercise is absolutely pointless since it is feasibly impossible to study everything.

It is important that you filter all the information and stuff and accordingly prepare. Once you have every material sorted, you can prepare well. Of course, once the stuff you have is qualitative, you can prepare and perform better. So, make sure that you have limited material in hand to prepare but it has to be quality material. You might have heard about quality is always better than the overall quantity.

Gathering masses of study material

Ah, if you are going to miss out on revision, you are doing a big mistake. Revision is one thing that you cannot simply miss out on. Revision will ensure that you are not leaving behind anything messed up. The point is if you have heaps of information and data on your mind, it may be zig-zag. However, if you do the revision; you would have a better level of clarity. 

Of course, revision helps you filter the knowledge stored on your mind and hence, you can prepare and perform better. What is the point if you have all the stuff clogged up in your Almira and the moment you open it, all that fall onto you? Like ways, you want that your data in your brain is well-arranged and when you want it (like as an answer in the paper) you can simply take it out without doubts.

Lacking Positive mindset 

No matter how smart you have been in your academics throughout your life, positive mindset is important. You cannot let the negative vibes or thoughts hamper your mind. If negativity is crowning your mind, you may not be that effective in your preparation. You have to be sure that you prepare in a proper manner and that is possible only when you are positive. Once you stay positive, you can prepare and perform better.  Positivity is one thing that is going to keep you going with utmost productivity. 

Now, if you are studying a good number of hours in a day and you are preparing with all your concentration but you have negativity on your mind, it could tarnish your prep. You have to be thoughtful about your negativity and curb it. Once you have positivity in mind, you can prepare better and in a more confident way.


To sum up, the thing is simple, you can do really well at your bpsc exam once you have all these mistakes on your mind.  Make sure that you do not make such mistakes and prepare really well.

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 5 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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