Analog Watches
Analog clocks typically use a well-known dial. A fixed numbered dial arranged in a circle with movable hour and minute hands represents the 12 hours of the day. The short hour hand can be rotated precisely twice a day and the long minute hand once an hour. Occasionally (but not always), the elongated second hand rotates once per minute. Throughout our history, wall clocks in lahore have been used in slightly different configurations. Ten-hour clocks during the French Revolution and Italian six-hour clocks in the 18th century. These two models were replaced by standard 24-hour analog dials.
Digital clocks
With the advent of the digital age, we now have very accurate and reliable electronic clocks that display the time with numerical information; two common types are 24-hour (23:00-23:00) and 12-hour (AM/PM indication also required). As the years go by, digital clocks are gaining dominance and analog clocks are slowly disappearing. The display surface of these clocks does not necessarily have to be a small LCD, LED, or VFD display, but can be displayed on very large public surfaces or even indoors for the visually impaired.
Electronic Word Clocks
Word clocks are clocks that do not display numerical values, but instead write a physical representation of the time on the display. The representations can be recorded by software or hardware.
Listening Clock
A clock that tells the time using a recorded human voice or computer-generated sound. Time can also be expressed in the form of sound code instead of sound. These clocks are often used to tell time in large places (church bells ring a certain number of bells at the beginning of every hour), for telephones, or for the visually impaired.
Tactile Clocks
The visually impaired can also use a wristwatch that displays the numbers on the dial in standard numbers or character codes for the visually impaired.
Multi-display watches
These watches in pakistan can be analog or digital, and their main features are the ability to display multiple time zones, have multiple dials, and use multiple time standards.