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What is Way of Divorce in Pakistan?

Divorce Procedure in Pakistan

If you’re considering getting a divorce in Pakistan, it’s important to understand the laws and procedures related to it. The Divorce Procedure in Pakistan and Procedure of Divorce in Pakistan is Depend on the Status and Condition of the Case. Divorce laws vary from country to country, meaning there are different requirements and processes depending on where you live. In Pakistan, there are two main types of divorce: dissolution of marriage (Talaq) and judicial proceedings (Khula). Both have distinct regulations that must be followed. In this article, we will discuss both types of divorce, as well as the procedures involved in each. We will also look at how to go about filing for a divorce in Pakistan so that you can make an informed decision with confidence.

Divorce Procedure in Pakistan (2023)

The divorce procedure in Pakistan has changed significantly over the years. In 2023, the process is as follows:

1. The couple wishing to divorce must first submit a petition to the relevant court.

2. The court will then issue a notice to the other party, requiring them to appear before the court on a specified date.

3. If the other party does not appear on the specified date, the court may proceed with the divorce ex parte (without their presence).

4. Once both parties have appeared before the court, they will be required to submit evidence in support of their respective claims.

5. After considering all of the evidence, the court will make a decision and issue a decree of divorce.

What is Divorce Law in Pakistan for Females?

Pakistan is an Islamic Republic and the legal system of the country is based on Sharia law. Divorce in Pakistan can be processed through two main channels: either through court or through arbitration. Both methods have their own pros and cons that should be considered before choosing one over the other.


Arbitration is a process of dispute resolution whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their respective cases to an arbitrator or panel of arbitrators for a binding decision. The advantage of arbitration is that it is often faster and cheaper than going to court, and it allows the parties to choose their own arbitrator(s) who may be experts in the relevant field. The disadvantage of arbitration is that it is not always enforceable, and the decisions of arbitrators are not always final.


Going to court can be a lengthy and expensive process, but it offers certain advantages over arbitration. Firstly, court decisions are binding and enforceable. Secondly, courts have the power to make orders that are in the best interests of justice, such as ordering one party to pay maintenance to the other. Finally, courts have a wider range of powers than arbitrators, such as the power to award costs.

What is Time Period of Divorce in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, the Khula process can take anywhere from a few months to several years, depending on the couple’s circumstances. If the couple has no children and no property to divide, the divorce can be relatively quick and straightforward. However, if the couple has children or significant assets, the divorce can take much longer. The first step in the divorce process is for one spouse to file a petition for divorce with the local court. The other spouse will then be served with papers and given a chance to respond. If both spouses agree to the divorce, they will sign a settlement agreement and submit it to the court for approval. Once the court approves the settlement agreement, the divorce will be finalized.

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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