1. Demonstrate authority
Guest posting gives you an opportunity to showcase your expertise in your area. When you write informative articles on someone else’s blog or website, you increase your reader base, they will see you as a person who is looking for the information they need.
Search engines (in particular, Google) look at the authority of any blog or website. They measure this authority, in part, by the number of backlinks from other authoritative websites. These backlinks weigh in on your authority score.
2. Build relationships
When you write articles it is very likely that your fellow bloggers will enjoy your content and can gain more influence with it. The result? You get to build a good relationship with your fellow bloggers. When they need more content, they will consider contacting you again.
Most importantly, the relationship you build with other bloggers can pay off in the future if you continue the professional relationship you just started. Keep in mind that blogging is a very social business.
3. Blog and web traffic
Guest posting is a great way to increase traffic to your blog . Why? In most cases, when you post a guest post, they are allowed to include a link to your website, which serves to drive more visitors to your site. When people read your blog post on other websites, they tend to want to know more about your services.
Once your guest post is published, you will start to see new traffic. Use content to boost your forwarding by taking advantage of this opportunity to create engaging content on social media.
4. Engage in Social Media Content
After the guest blog is published, you should use it to share it through your social networks. When a host site publishes your article, it is mere professional courtesy to thank and tag them on social media. Show your social followers how you’ve expand your horizons while inviting them to read your new content. Also, because you have tagged your host, you can pique the curiosity of their social followers with your content and gain new subscribers.
5. Create new leads
When readers on other people’s blogs discover you, they will always find an easy way to reach you and come up with more ideas or hire your services. This can be easy when you have direct links to your website included in your guest post.
6. Improve your writing
When you blog on others (especially blogs with some authority and success) take advantage of receiving honest feedback to improve your posts. This feedback always lets you know areas that need improvement when it comes to conveying information.
bad practices to avoid
But you also have to be careful with guest posts as some practices may go against Google’s link guidelines such as: keyword-rich link stuffing in articles, posting the same articles on many different blogs or websites . For this , for example, the use of the rel = “canonical” attributes is recommended, in addition to rel = “nofollow”-.
Are you ready to build your brand and get more presence with it? Guest posting can be the key. Just identify a blog (in a related niche) and email the blogger requesting the opportunity to contribute a blog post. If the request is approved, submit the post and always remember to request at least one direct link to your blog or website, as this is your main incentive to post.