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How to Develop a Memorable Fictional Character

Characters are essential for a fiction novel. They help an author to write a best-selling fiction book. Similarly, characters engage a reader. And they keep moving the story of a book. Characters can make a special place in the readers’ minds for a long time. That is the reason people remember some characters for a long time. So, add memorable characters in your book so people can remember them for a long time. This article will share free tips to help you write a unique fictional character.

First, give the character’s description to the readers. Second, create a specific purpose for that character. Then writes good dialogue for the character. Similarly, write the backstory of the book character. You can also use a narrator. Moreover, give strengths and weaknesses to the character to make it look realistic. You can also reach out to a professional book writing company to help you create a memorable character.

Tips for Developing a Memorable Fictional Character

You need a memorable character to connect your book to the readers. Therefore, pay extra attention while writing your book characters. 

Here are the tips for creating a memorable fictional character.

Describe the Character to the Readers

The first tip is to give the character’s description to the readers. The character’s appearance can have an impact on a reader’s mind. And it helps a reader to form an image of a character. The character’s bodies, faces, hair, and clothing tell a lot about who they are. Similarly, the description helps a reader to imagine the character’s appearance. So, make sure to give a clear description of your fictional character. However, this tip is not for all characters of your book. It is just for the characters you want people to remember for a long time. 

Create Goals and Motivation for the Character

Great characters have specific goals to achieve. And that goals give motivation to the characters. As a result, that goal and motivation to achieve that goal set the story theme. Audiences pay special attention to fictional characters that have some specific purpose. Think of some memorable characters, and you will find they had some goals to achieve. Harry Potter’s mission was to take revenge on Lord Voldemort. And Elizabeth Bennet wanted to marry for love. Hence, a specific purpose can help a fictional character to look unique. So, make sure your fictional character is motivated to achieve some goals. 

Give Your Fictional Character a Backstory

Character backstory is an essential element in fictional book writing. First, a backstory helps a reader understand the personality of a book character.  Second, it makes a character much more dynamic. It also helps the readers understand the fictional character’s decisions in the story. So include a backstory of the fictional character. Let the readers know about the past life of that character. You can use flashbacks to include past events. Go from present to past. You could use multiple chapters to cover the past life of the fictional character. 

Dialogue Makes a Character Memorable

Nothing impresses a reader more than a few lines of good dialogue. The way a character speaks tells a lot about who they are. So dialogue is an effective tool in creating a memorable fictional character. Moreover, dialogues help to keep a reader engaged with a book. It also enables a reader to remember a character with good dialogue.

There are various dialogues of fictional characters that people still remember. Take an example of George R. R. Martin’s Game of Thrones. Readers cannot forget Ned’s ” winter is coming” and Peter’s ” Chaos is a ladder”. Hence, dialogue can make a character memorable. So write catchy dialogue for your fictional character, and make it memorable. 

Challenge Your Fictional Character

Another tip is to create challenges for the fictional character. It means to make the fictional character work hard to achieve its target. Create multiple barriers in its way. No matter if its purpose is to find true love or take revenge. Do not create easy ways for it. The audience does not remember fictional characters that easily achieve what they desire. So, to make your fictional character unique, create challenges in its life story. 

Give Strengths and Weaknesses to Your Fictional Character

All the interest in your book will flow from how your fictional character responds to life challenges. And to face these challenges, your fictional character needs strength. Moreover, the powers make the readers cheer for that character. So, your fictional character should be able to resolve the conflicts in the story. However, make sure it is not too powerful. Too much strength will make your fictional character look unrealistic. So, make sure your character has some flaws also. The strengths and flaws will help you create a dynamic fictional character.

Select a Character’s Mannerisms

Mannerisms are essential in creating a fictional character. Readers do not know book characters personally. But they know them through their movement or body language. So, mannerisms can help the audience see a more realistic image of your fictional character. Make it clear to the readers how the character interacts with others. Similarly, let your readers know how the character reacts in different social situations. Even the tiniest detail can reveal a lot about your fictional character. However, try to avoid including too many mannerisms just for visual effect. Add the small and the specific ones. 

Choose a Narrator for Your Fictional Character

Another tip for creating a character is to use a narrator. A narrator tells the story of a book. And it also controls the story’s point of view. Similarly, a narrator can provide an opportunity to create other characters. A narrator stands a step away from your fictional character. But it stays close enough to observe that character. A narrator’s point of view can create an impact on readers’ minds. The way the narrator tells a story can make a difference in how the audience sees your fictional characters. Your main fictional character can be the narrator. Or you can use a third voice to tell the story. 


Characters are important for a fiction story. Fictional characters can help you write a best-selling book. So if you want to write a best-selling book, make sure it has unique and memorable characters. You can create such characters by giving your readers a clear description of that characters. Similarly, you will have to establish some goals for your fictional character. Also, write some good dialogue to make your fictional character memorable. 

You can also add the backstory of that character. For a dynamic fictional character, create conflicts. And give strength to that character to overcome those conflicts. Moreover, ensure to add some flaws to your fictional character. The strengths and flaws will help you create a dynamic fictional character.

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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