Roaming bands are a powerful marketing tool that can drive foot traffic and sales. They can help your business stand out from the crowd, and appeal to people who might not otherwise visit your physical location.
In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of having roaming bands in your local town, and why it’s an essential part of creating an image as a tourist destination. If you have an establishment that caters mainly to tourists, then you should consider adding roaming bands to your marketing strategy.
What Are Roaming Bands?
Roaming bands are a way for businesses in the United Kingdom to let customers use their mobile phone to make calls for free on other networks. This means that customers can make cheaper overseas calls, or make calls to other networks in a country that offers roaming at cheaper rates than normal. There are three types of roaming bands:
Hi-Speed: This is the most common type of roaming band. It allows customers to make calls at the same rate as they would if they were using their mobile phone in the country they’re currently in. So, if you’re in the UK, you can make calls at the same rate as if you were in the US.
Low-Cost: This band lets you make cheaper calls to countries that use a different network to the UK. This is useful if you’re planning to call to locations where the UK network won’t work.
No Roaming: This lets you use your phone wherever it is without affecting your usual rates. This is useful if you’re planning to use your phone abroad for calls only.
Why Is It Important to Have Roaming Bands?
Roaming bands give a competitive advantage to your business. They allow you to target specific markets and make sales from people who would otherwise be unable to make calls from their phone.
Furthermore, the ability to make calls from anywhere in the world, regardless of the network, means that you can attract customers from a much wider range of countries, boosting your customer base even further.
The advantage of roaming bands is evident when comparing it to simply having a signal. If your business is based in a remote location, then it’s likely that you won’t have a signal in many places.
This means that visitors travelling to your town will be unable to use their phones to find directions, or make calls. To compete with other businesses, they will have to drive to a central location to use their phone.
When they do this, they’ll have to park, and spend time looking for directions, before they can even begin to make calls. With roaming bands, you can attract customers who are travelling through your town, and give them phone access, expanding your customer base and boosting sales.
Which Band Should You Use?
Choosing the correct roaming band for your business is essential to maximising its potential. When a customer arrives at your business and sees the roaming band, they will immediately know which network you’re on.
Furthermore, when you see the roaming band, people are much more likely to make a call than simply browsing around the town. In other words, this is an excellent way to increase foot traffic, and drive sales.
If you’re in a remote area, or you only have a signal in certain places, you’ll want to use the low-cost roaming band. It’s unlikely that customers will be able to make calls with this, and they’re unlikely to know that they will be able to either.
This means that they are unlikely to be put off by the fact that they can’t make calls, and you’re unlikely to have many customers who will just browse around your town.
Examples of What Each Band Looks Like
Hi-Speed This is the most common type of roaming band. It allows customers to make calls at the same rate as they would if they were using their mobile phone in the country they’re currently in. So, if you’re in the UK, you can make calls at the same rate as if you were in the US.
Low-Cost This band lets you make cheaper calls to countries that use a different network to the UK. This is useful if you’re planning to call to locations where the UK network won’t work. No Roaming This lets you use your phone wherever it is without affecting your usual rates. This is useful if you’re planning to use your phone abroad for calls only.
How to Get Your Roaming Band?
Each of the networks will let you apply for a roaming band, and each one has slightly different requirements. Here’s what you need to do:
Sign up for an account with one of the providers: You’ll need an account with one of the providers.
Apply for your roaming band: To get your roaming band, you’ll need to fill out a form on the provider’s website.
Buy a phone that supports the network: Your phone will need to support the network you’re on.
Buy a SIM card for that phone: You’ll need a SIM card for your phone, so you can connect to the network.
Roaming bands are a powerful marketing tool that can help your business stand out from the crowd and appeal to people who might not otherwise visit your physical location. If you have an establishment which caters mainly to tourists, then you should consider adding roaming bands to your marketing strategy.
There are three types of roaming bands: Hi-Speed, Low-Cost, and No Roaming. Low-cost roaming allows you to make cheaper calls to countries that use a different network to the UK, while No Roaming allows you to use your phone wherever it is without affecting your usual rates.