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Maximizing Energy Efficiency: Tips for Meeting Local Law 87 and 133

In today’s rapidly changing world, environmental sustainability is at the forefront of global concerns. Cities across the United States are taking significant steps to combat climate change and reduce their carbon footprint. New York City, in particular, has been a trailblazer in this regard, implementing a series of stringent regulations and initiatives aimed at promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Two such regulations are Local Law 87 (LL87) and Local Law 133 (LL133). In this article, we will explore what these law entail and offer valuable tips on how to maximize energy efficiency to ensure compliance.

Understanding Local Law 87 and 133

What is Local Law 87?

Local Law 87, often abbreviated as LL87, is a crucial piece of legislation in New York City’s quest to enhance energy efficiency in its buildings. Enacted in 2009, LL87 mandates that all buildings in NYC over 50,000 square feet undergo an energy audit and retro-commissioning process every ten years. The primary objective of LL87 is to identify energy-saving opportunities, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and improve the overall energy performance of these structures.

The audit and retro-commissioning process includes a thorough examination of a building’s energy usage, mechanical systems, and overall operational efficiency. The data collected during these assessments is then used to develop a plan for energy-saving upgrades and improvements. Building owners are required to implement these recommendations within specified timeframes to comply with LL87.

What is Local Law 133?

Local Law 133, often referred to as LL133, is an extension of LL87, which came into effect in 2020. LL133 takes the energy efficiency efforts a step further by requiring building owners to report their progress in implementing energy-saving measures outlined in their LL87 audit reports. It introduces transparency and accountability into the process by ensuring that building owners follow through with recommended improvements.

LL133 requires building owners to submit an energy efficiency report to the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB) by specified deadlines. This report details the progress made in implementing energy-saving measures and documents any challenges faced during the process. The goal is to monitor and measure the actual energy savings achieved, providing valuable insights into the effectiveness of LL87 compliance efforts.

Why Compliance with LL87 and LL133 Matters

Compliance with Local Law 87 and 133 is not merely a regulatory requirement; it is a crucial step toward a more sustainable and energy-efficient future for New York City. Here are some reasons why compliance with these law matters:

1. Reduced Carbon Footprint

Meeting LL87 and LL133 requirements leads to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. By identifying and addressing energy inefficiencies, buildings can lower their energy consumption, which, in turn, decreases their carbon footprint. This aligns with NYC’s commitment to reducing its overall carbon emissions and combatting climate change.

2. Cost Savings

Improving energy efficiency is synonymous with cost savings. Building owners and managers who comply with these law often experience lower utility bills due to reduced energy consumption. The initial investment in energy-saving upgrades is typically offset by long-term operational cost reductions, making it a financially prudent decision.

3. Enhanced Property Value

Energy-efficient buildings are more attractive to tenants and potential buyers. Compliance with LL87 and LL133 can increase the marketability and value of a property. Additionally, displaying a commitment to sustainability can improve a building’s reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious occupants.

Tips for Maximizing Energy Efficiency and Achieving Compliance

Achieving compliance with Local Law 87 and 133 involves more than just meeting the minimum requirements. Building owners and managers should strive to maximize energy efficiency to reap the full benefits of these regulations. Here are some valuable tips to help you get started:

1. Conduct Regular Energy Audits

While LL87 mandates energy audits every ten years, consider conducting more frequent assessments. Regular energy audits can help identify energy-saving opportunities sooner and enable you to stay ahead of compliance requirements. An annual or biennial audit can keep your building’s energy performance optimized.

2. Embrace Advanced Technologies

Stay up-to-date with the latest advancements in energy-efficient technologies. Implementing smart building automation systems, energy-efficient lighting, and HVAC upgrades can lead to substantial energy savings. Additionally, consider renewable energy sources such as solar panels to further reduce your building’s reliance on conventional energy.

3. Educate Building Occupants

Engage with building occupants to create a culture of energy efficiency. Conduct workshops or training sessions to educate tenants and staff about energy-saving practices. Encourage them to participate actively in reducing energy consumption by turning off lights when not in use, unplugging devices, and following energy-efficient guidelines.

4. Monitor and Measure Progress

LL133 emphasizes the importance of tracking progress in implementing energy-saving measures. Establish a robust system for monitoring and measuring energy consumption regularly. Compare the data against benchmarks and set realistic energy reduction targets. This will help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments as needed.

5. Seek Expert Guidance

Navigating the complexities of LL87 and LL133 compliance can be challenging. Consider partnering with a sustainability consulting firm like The Cotocon Group to ensure you are following best practices and optimizing your energy efficiency efforts. These experts can help you develop a comprehensive compliance strategy tailored to your building’s unique needs.

6. Collaborate with Industry Partners

Engage with industry associations and organizations dedicated to sustainability and energy efficiency. Networking with peers and sharing best practices can provide valuable insights and resources for achieving compliance and maximizing energy efficiency.

7. Stay Informed and Adapt

Local law and regulations may evolve over time. Stay informed about any updates or changes to LL87 and LL133, and be prepared to adapt your energy efficiency strategies accordingly. Remaining proactive and flexible is key to long-term compliance and sustainability.

The Role of The Cotocon Group in LL87 and LL133 Compliance Consulting

The Cotocon Group is a leading provider of sustainability consulting services with a strong focus on helping building owners and managers meet the requirements of Local Law 87 and 133. Our expertise in energy audits, retro-commissioning, and energy efficiency improvements positions us as a valuable partner in your compliance journey.

Our Services Include:

– Comprehensive Energy Audits

Our team conducts thorough energy audits, utilizing cutting-edge technology to identify energy-saving opportunities in your building. We provide detailed reports with actionable recommendations to improve energy efficiency.

– Retro-Commissioning Services

The Cotocon Group offers retro-commissioning services to optimize your building’s mechanical and HVAC systems. This process ensures that your systems operate at peak efficiency, reducing energy consumption and operational costs.

– Energy Efficiency Implementation

We work closely with you to implement the recommended energy-saving measures, from upgrading lighting systems to enhancing insulation and HVAC systems. Our goal is to help you achieve substantial energy savings and compliance with LL87 and LL133.

– LL133 Reporting and Compliance

Our experts guide you through the LL133 reporting process, ensuring accurate and timely submissions to the NYC Department of Buildings. We help you document your progress in implementing energy-saving measures, providing the necessary evidence for compliance.

– Ongoing Support and Monitoring

The Cotocon Group remains committed to your sustainability goals beyond compliance. We offer ongoing support and monitoring services to ensure that your building continues to operate at peak energy efficiency, delivering long-term benefits.


Local Law 87 and 133 are pivotal instruments in New York City’s mission to enhance energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Compliance with these regulations not only aligns with environmental goals but also offers numerous benefits, including cost savings and increased property value. By following the tips outlined in this article and enlisting the expertise of sustainability consultants like The Cotocon Group, building owners and managers can maximize energy efficiency, achieve compliance, and contribute to a more sustainable future for the city. Remember, energy efficiency is not just about meeting legal requirements; it’s about creating a better, more sustainable future for all.

Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan
Uneeb Khan CEO at blogili.com. Have 4 years of experience in the websites field. Uneeb Khan is the premier and most trustworthy informer for technology, telecom, business, auto news, games review in World.

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